Gaming Cage Workers

In a gaming establishment, conduct financial transactions for patrons. May reconcile daily summaries of transactions to balance books. May accept patron's credit application and verify credit references to provide check-cashing authorization or to establish house credit accounts. May sell gambling chips, tokens, or tickets to patrons, or to other workers for resale to patrons. May convert gaming chips, tokens, or tickets to currency upon patron's request. May use a cash register or computer to record transaction.

Median Annual Wage: $25,810

Education: High school diploma or equivalent (86%); Less than high school diploma (10%); Some college, no degree (4%)

Projected Growth: Slower than average (3% to 7%)

Related Job Titles: Cage Manager; Cage Cashier; Casino Cashier; Cage Supervisor; Gaming Cashier; Casino Cage Cashier; Mutuel Clerk; Cage/Vault Supervisor; Casino Cashier Manager; Gaming Cage Worker

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Source: O*NET OnLine information for Gaming Cage Workers.

More Office and Administrative Support Careers

  • Convert gaming checks, coupons, tokens, or coins to currency for gaming patrons.
  • Maintain cage security.
  • Maintain confidentiality of customers' transactions.
  • Count funds and reconcile daily summaries of transactions to balance books.
  • Cash checks and process credit card advances for patrons.
  • Prepare bank deposits, balancing assigned funds as necessary.
  • Determine cash requirements for windows and order all necessary currency, coins, or chips.
  • Verify accuracy of reports, such as authorization forms, transaction reconciliations, or exchange summary reports.
  • Provide customers with information about casino operations.
  • Prepare reports, including assignment of company funds or recording of department revenues.
  • Supply currency, coins, chips, or gaming checks to other departments as needed.
  • Perform removal and rotation of cash, coin, or chip inventories as necessary.
  • Provide assistance in the training and orientation of new cashiers.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Gaming Cage Workers.

  • Mathematics - Using mathematics to solve problems.
  • Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
  • Service Orientation - Actively looking for ways to help people.
  • Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.
  • Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
  • Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
  • Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
  • Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
  • Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Gaming Cage Workers.

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