Median Annual Wage: $26,590
Education: High school diploma or equivalent (39%); Some college, no degree (20%); Bachelor's degree (18%)
Projected Growth: Average (8% to 14%)
Related Job Titles: Visual Merchandiser (VM); Merchandiser; Decorator; Display Associate; Display Specialist; Display Decorator; Visual Manager; Visual Merchandising Specialist; In-Store Marketing Associate; Visual Merchandising Manager
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Source: O*NET OnLine information for Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers.
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- Arrange properties, furniture, merchandise, backdrops, or other accessories, as shown in prepared sketches.
- Change or rotate window displays, interior display areas, or signage to reflect changes in inventory or promotion.
- Place prices or descriptive signs on backdrops, fixtures, merchandise, or floor.
- Consult with store managers, buyers, sales associates, housekeeping staff, or engineering staff to determine appropriate placement of displays or products.
- Maintain props, products, or mannequins, inspecting them for imperfections, doing touch-ups, cleaning up after customers, or applying preservative coatings as necessary.
- Develop ideas or plans for merchandise displays or window decorations.
- Assemble or set up displays, furniture, or products in store space while utilizing colors, lights, pictures, or other accessories to display the product.
- Install booths, exhibits, displays, carpets, or drapes, as guided by floor plan of building or specifications.
- Select themes, lighting, colors, or props to be used.
- Consult with advertising or sales staff to determine type of merchandise to be featured and time and place for each display.
- Attend training sessions or corporate planning meetings to obtain new ideas for product launches.
- Collaborate with others to obtain products or other display items.
- Construct or assemble displays or display components from fabric, glass, paper, or plastic, using hand tools or woodworking power tools, according to specifications.
- Obtain plans from display designers or display managers and discuss their implementation with clients or supervisors.
- Take photographs of displays or signage.
Source: O*NET OnLine information for Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers.
- Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
- Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
- Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
- Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
- Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
- Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.
- Time Management - Managing one's own time and the time of others.
- Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
- Persuasion - Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.
Source: O*NET OnLine information for Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers.