Structural Iron and Steel Workers

Raise, place, and unite iron or steel girders, columns, and other structural members to form completed structures or structural frameworks. May erect metal storage tanks and assemble prefabricated metal buildings.

Median Annual Wage: $48,200

Education: High school diploma or equivalent (42%); Less than high school diploma (34%); Post-secondary certificate (19%)

Projected Growth: Much faster than average (22% or higher)

Related Job Titles: Ironworker; Iron Worker; Fitter / Welder; Steel Fabricator; Steel Worker; Structural Steel Erector; Tower Hand; Rigger; Fitter; Iron Worker Foreman

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Source: O*NET OnLine information for Structural Iron and Steel Workers.

More Construction and Extraction Careers

  • Connect columns, beams, and girders with bolts, following blueprints and instructions from supervisors.
  • Bolt aligned structural steel members in position for permanent riveting, bolting, or welding into place.
  • Fasten structural steel members to hoist cables, using chains, cables, or rope.
  • Hoist steel beams, girders, or columns into place, using cranes or signaling hoisting equipment operators to lift and position structural steel members.
  • Verify vertical and horizontal alignment of structural steel members, using plumb bobs, laser equipment, transits, or levels.
  • Cut, bend, or weld steel pieces, using metal shears, torches, or welding equipment.
  • Erect metal or precast concrete components for structures, such as buildings, bridges, dams, towers, storage tanks, fences, or highway guard rails.
  • Force structural steel members into final positions, using turnbuckles, crowbars, jacks, or hand tools.
  • Pull, push, or pry structural steel members into approximate positions for bolting into place.
  • Unload and position prefabricated steel units for hoisting as needed.
  • Drive drift pins through rivet holes to align rivet holes in structural steel members with corresponding holes in previously placed members.
  • Assemble hoisting equipment or rigging, such as cables, pulleys, or hooks, to move heavy equipment or materials.
  • Fabricate metal parts, such as steel frames, columns, beams, or girders, according to blueprints or instructions from supervisors.
  • Dismantle structures or equipment.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Structural Iron and Steel Workers.

  • Operation and Control - Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
  • Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
  • Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
  • Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
  • Time Management - Managing one's own time and the time of others.
  • Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
  • Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
  • Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
  • Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Structural Iron and Steel Workers.

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