Food Batchmakers

Set up and operate equipment that mixes or blends ingredients used in the manufacturing of food products. Includes candy makers and cheese makers.

Median Annual Wage: $26,770

Education: High school diploma or equivalent (86%); Less than high school diploma (12%); Some college, no degree (2%)

Projected Growth: Decline (-3% or lower)

Related Job Titles: Machine Operator; Mixer; Process Operator; Blender; Dough Scaler and Mixer; Processing Operator; Batching Operator; Syrup Maker; Brewing Technician; Compounder

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Source: O*NET OnLine information for Food Batchmakers.

More Production Careers

  • Follow recipes to produce food products of specified flavor, texture, clarity, bouquet, or color.
  • Set up, operate, and tend equipment that cooks, mixes, blends, or processes ingredients in the manufacturing of food products, according to formulas or recipes.
  • Mix or blend ingredients, according to recipes, using a paddle or an agitator, or by controlling vats that heat and mix ingredients.
  • Clean and sterilize vats and factory processing areas.
  • Select and measure or weigh ingredients, using English or metric measures and balance scales.
  • Turn valve controls to start equipment and to adjust operation to maintain product quality.
  • Press switches and turn knobs to start, adjust, and regulate equipment such as beaters, extruders, discharge pipes, and salt pumps.
  • Observe gauges and thermometers to determine if the mixing chamber temperature is within specified limits, and turn valves to control the temperature.
  • Observe and listen to equipment to detect possible malfunctions, such as leaks or plugging, and report malfunctions or undesirable tastes to supervisors.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Food Batchmakers.

  • Operation and Control - Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
  • Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
  • Operation Monitoring - Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
  • Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
  • Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.
  • Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
  • Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
  • Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
  • Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.

Source: O*NET OnLine information for Food Batchmakers.

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